Student Experience Forms
On behalf of the Office of Student Experience, welcome to Howard Payne University!
Please complete and submit the forms listed below. These forms should only be completed by students who have been admitted to Howard Payne University. If you have questions about your admittance status, please contact the Office of Admission at (325) 649-8020. If you have questions about the forms, please contact the Office of Student Experience at (325) 649-8017 or
(online version via HPU Gateway)
Use this form to fill out a request for a(n) Support Animal or Emotional Support Animal.
Enrollment Deposit
$300 total ($100 tuition deposit and $200 non-refundable residence hall maintenance fee)
Housing Application/Agreement
All students must fill out the Housing Application/Agreement to live on campus.
Vehicle Registration
All students must register their vehicles before parking on campus.
Student Health Form
(online version via HPU Gateway)
This form is required for all HPU students and will be maintained by the University Nurse. Please review the health form carefully for required vaccinations.
Shot Records
Shot records must be validated by a physician, public health clinic or transcript from school records. Per Texas state law, new students enrolling at HPU beginning in the Spring 2012 semester – and former students who are returning to HPU after an absence – must be vaccinated against bacterial meningitis prior to scheduling classes or S.W.A.R.M. events and at least 10 days before the first day of classes.
There are several names for the correct bacterial meningitis vaccination including MCV4, MPSV4, quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine, meningococcal A vaccine, Menactra, or Menveo.
Please note that although the meningococcal B vaccine/MenB vaccine compliments the MCV4 vaccine, it does not replace it, and it does not meet the state vaccination requirement.
A hold will be placed on the student’s records preventing class scheduling until proof of the vaccination has been supplied to the University Nurse. Click here for additional information about the bacterial meningitis vaccination requirement.
Other State Required Vaccinations
In addition to the Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Record, a complete Shot Record of all vaccinations received is also required.
Required immunizations include:
Bacterial Meningitis Vaccine/Meningococcal (MCV4, MPSV4, Meningococcal A, Menactra, or Menveo) – A booster is required if initial dose was received before 16th birthday or more than 5 years ago.
Tetanus/Diphtheria (DPT, DTaP, Td, DT) – Required every 10 years
Hepatitis B – 3 doses
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) – 2 doses
Varicella (Chicken Pox) – Illness month & year (estimate) or vaccination date
TB Skin Test – Only required if you have been outside the United States in the last 12 months.
Please include any additional vaccinations that have been received (ie. HPV, Hep A, HIB, etc.).
You can submit shot records in one of three ways:
Online: Submission via HPU Gateway
Fax: 325-649-8067
Howard Payne University
Office of Student Experience
1000 Fisk Street
Brownwood, TX 76801
Consent to Treat Minor Form for Students Under 18 (PDF)
This form is required for new students who are under the age of 18. The form should be printed, signed by a parent or guardian, notarized and returned to the University Nurse. Please attach a front and back copy of the student’s current insurance card and responsible party information.
Request for Permission to Live Off-Campus
Students are required to live in the residence halls for four long semesters unless they meet one or more of the university approved exemptions. This form is required for students desiring to live off campus due to an approved exemption.
Exemptions include:
- Brownwood area resident living with parents within a 30 mile radius of HPU
- Lived in a residence hall for four long semesters
- Completed 60 HPU academic credit hours
- Legally married to a person of the opposite sex and submit a marriage license
- 21 years old by August 1 (for fall semester) or January 1 (for spring semester)
Student Meal Plan Change Form
Use this form to make changes to your existing meal plan.
Part-Time Graduate Employee: Housing Application and Agreement
Part-Time Graduate Employees are eligible for free/complimentary housing in the Smith Bell Duplexes for up to two academic years. PTGEs beginning classes in the fall are eligible to move in on Aug. 1 (or the first weekday immediately following Aug. 1), and PTGEs beginning classes in the spring are eligible to move in on Jan. 2 (or the first weekday immediately following Jan. 2). The Housing Application and Agreement must be completed in order for consideration for housing.